Lead-free products


Lead-free product list

*Standard-stocked alloy.

Lead-free chemical composition

*Standard-stocked alloy.
1In determining Cu min., Cu may be calculated as Cu + Ni.
2Pb content is greater than 0.02%.
3For continuous castings, P shall be 1.5%, max.
4Ni value includes Co.
5Bi:Se >= 2:1
Note: Unless otherwise noted, single values represent maximums.

Wieland Concast promises to deliver a broad range of alloys that are free of the elements that threaten health and the environment. Offering a wide selection of these copper bronze alloys, we replace lead with other elements while still offering exceptional lubricity, tightness, wear, strength, hardness, and machinability. Lead-free products are manufactured to ASTM B standards and specifications and meet the requirements of "3874 Reduction of Lead in Drinking Water Act" and California legislation "AB1953."

Wieland Concast has been a leader in producing GreenAlloys™ since 1993. The lead content of these low-lead and no-lead alloys is extremely low, often as low as 0.05%. Ranging from aluminum bronze to high tin bronze, our lead-free products are manufactured to the highest industry standards and specifications. Standard-stocked GreenAlloys include lead-free C89835, tin bronze C90300, aluminum bronze C95400, nickel aluminum bronze C95500, and aluminum bronze C95900. Other available GreenAlloys include lead-free brass C69300, silicon brass C87850, bismuth tin bronze alloys C89325, C89831, C89833, and C89844, and high tin bronze alloys C90800 and C90810.

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Lead-free replacement bronze alloys

Silicon brass

Silicon brass is a copper alloy that removes lead from the product and adds a small amount of silicon (2%-4%) to improve the performance of the alloy during the manufacturing processes. Silicon brass provides good manufacturing capabilities for casting, forging, and machining. This alloy is naturally corrosion resistant and its high-temperature performance is very good.

C69300 C87850

Bismuth tin bronze

Bismuth tin bronze is a copper alloy which typically contains 1-3% bismuth, although some can contain over 6% Bi. This bronze alloy is very corrosion-resistant, making it suitable for use in environments such as the ocean. Bismuth tin bronzes are more malleable, thermally conductive, and polish better than regular brasses.


High tin bronze

The bronze alloys which are described as tin bronzes have long been recognized for their low lead content (less than 0.25% lead) and high strength characteristics. These alloys from C90300 through C91000 and C91300 are not materially different than those produced more than 3,500 years ago in Europe and China. These high tin bronze alloys are strong and have high wear resistance and low friction resistance, which make them ideal for bearings, as well as in valves and fittings where pressure tightness is necessary. In today’s world, these proven alloys are all green with their low-lead content.


Aluminum bronze

Aluminum bronze is the highest strength standard copper-based alloy. Wieland Concast produces C95400, C95500 and C95900 in standard sizes of rounds, tubes, and rectangles. Aluminum in conjunction with iron and nickel in C95500 acts as a strengthener in these alloys. All of the aluminum bronzes can be heat treated, further increasing tensile strengths.


Envirobrass II

C89520, or Envirobrass II, is a lead-free metal alloy created with the concern in mind that water delivery systems should not interfere with water quality. For many years, brass has been the choice for plumbing equipment such as meters and valves. But even high-quality brass contains 8% lead. Envirobrass II alloys offer the foundry industry modern, environmentally friendly alloys that are able to meet the stringent requirements of current water purity regulations. Federal regulations limit the amount of lead permitted in public drinking water. Envirobrass II removes the concern of lead leaching into drinking water from in-line plumbing components.


Lead-free bearing bronze

Apart from providing excellent anti-friction and anti-wear properties for bearing alloys, lead is considered an environmentally hazardous material. Lead content in bearing bronze varies depending on the application and, in some cases, is fairly low. However, disposal of waste material from fabrication processes, disposal of used bearings, and contamination of lubricants can cause serious environmental and health concerns. Regulations prohibit the use of lead in plumbing applications as well as bearing materials.

As an answer to these concerns, another subcategory of lead-free replacement bronze alloys has been noted in the bronze industry, titled lead-free bearing bronze. This lead-free, environmentally friendly copper-based bearing material is designed for high speed/load applications. Bronzes in this group of alloys, also noted above, include C89835, C90300, C95400, C95500 and C95900.

C95500 C95900

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